Episode 3.12: Body Shame and Dating (Mailbag)


Ever felt like you don’t fit society’s definition of “attractive,” or “desirable”? Or like a second choice option, because of your size? What are you supposed to do? How are you even supposed to feel? Or perhaps you’ve perpetuated these standards - unintentionally or not - by rejecting potential partners due to appearance. What opportunities are you missing out on due to your conditioning? This episode is a collection of conversations around body shame and dating, confidence, mental health, and how desi culture contributes to it. We focus on fatphobia among women and height discrimination among men, and explore the conditioning that makes people dismissive of these particular physical traits. Although we focus on two broader topics, the takeaway remains the same: we are larger than our bodies Special thanks to everyone who contributed to the episode: Zubi Ahmed (@damnzoob), Ravi Lad (@itsravilad), and Anu Upad (@anu_upad)
