My Mission

The plight of the American Desi is one of the constant managing of inherited trauma, and negotiating two or more cultures. It is a search for identity, and ___, etc. At the root of all of these issues, there is a need for

mental reorganization, questioning, challenging notions and the way we’ve been conditioned


This podcast is not just about the fact that desis dont talk about mental illness, but it is also about the way our culture feeds into and exacerbates mental health issues and destructive tendencies.

Coming out of a sheltered existence and being plunged into the world is like being faced with a blinding light. Sometimes we just can't help ourselves. we fall to these vices. but hopefully, we also try to stand up again, to dissect everything in our history, not just our personal history but our cultural, and try to make a better life for oursleves and future generations of people negotiating between two cultures - desi or otherwise - while managing often overlooked, debilitating conditions.

That's what this podcast is about.

Everyone has a story. Everyone has a voice.

I want to hear yours.