Episode 2.15: Mental Health In The Workplace with Yamini Bhandari from Millenial Jobs

What is it that we think we owe our bosses? Why do we think we owe them something? What can we do to support our own mental health as employees? What has employment (or lack of) looked like in the middle of this pandemic?

In this episode I speak with Yamini, founder of the Millennial Jobs newsletter, which posts job boards and resources on a monthly basis. We hear from Yamini about various polls she has conducted through their Instagram page @millennialcareerpolls, and talk about why we need to reframe the job narrative around satisfaction and happiness.

Catch up on the May issue here.

Further Reading:

Argumentative & too emotional - are Indians tough to work with?, The Economist

Mental Health at the workplace…It’s time we speak up, Bhavik Shah

Masculinities in Organizations, Sage Publications

The Asian Glass Ceiling: Studying the Model Minority Myth, Ellen McGirt